Why not catch these issues before the money comes out of your pocket?
With 35 years of experience working within its own sophisticated, proprietary claims system, A&S has developed fraud and abuse package that monitors data to find the most common abuse of innocent patients that are burdened with inappropriate medical charges.
Most problems with Fraud and Abuse relate to the following edits that are provided, with no additional fees:
- Duplicate paid claims
- Invalid procedures or diagnosis
- E codes as principal diagnosis
- Duplicate primary diagnosis code
- Age Conflict
- Gender Conflict
- Manifestation Codes
- Questionable admissions
- Unacceptable primary diagnosis codes
- Medicare non-covered procedures
- Invalid age
- Invalid discharge status
Experts agree that health Care Fraud could be a 100 billion dollar a year burden on Health Funds, Insurance Companies, and consumers. Why not catch these issues before the money comes out of your pocket?
Why not let A&S save you even more?! We have answers to problems that cost you and your members’ money.
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